
money account on the system may be reconciled. In other words, the
entries made for a money account in TorSoft CashBook 200 may be
checked against a record from elsewhere - the most common example
being to check that a statement from a bank agrees with the entries
in the program.
The first step is to choose which account to reconcile, by selecting
from the drop down list at the top of the window, as shown below.
This will bring up a list of entries that have involved the chosen
account. These entries are divided into two types - normal deposits
and withdrawals, and transfers. The normal deposits and withdrawals
(those that were created in the Spend Money or Receive
Money windows) are shown in the top list of the window, and
transfers (those that were created in the Transfer Money
window) are shown in the bottom list.

enter the date and closing balance from the statement into the
appropriate boxes at the top of the window. The date that you enter
is not necessarily going to be the date on which you are performing
the reconciliation, it should be the date shown on the statement you
are reconciling against. Once you have entered the closing balance,
press the tab key on the keyboard, or click in any other text box,
to force the program to calculate how much money you need to account
for in this reconciliation process.
The process of reconciling is simple, you need to go through each entry on the printed
statement and, if it appears in the list in the window, click in the
tick box of that line in the window. You should find that every
entry on the printed statement, also appears in the list on the
When you have completed this procedure, you should find that the Amount
left to reconcile figure shown at the bottom of the screen is
zero. This means that everything shown in the printed statement
agrees with the cashbook file. It is more than likely that there
will be unticked entries in the list at the end of the process -
these will be entries made in the cashbook that have yet to go
through the printed statement, e.g. your bank account. This is fine,
as long as these entries eventually appear on a printed statement
and are ticked, otherwise it means you have an entry in the cashbook
which has not appeared on the printed statement, and in this case
you need to investigate why that has happened.
Once you have nothing left to reconcile, you may click the Reconcile
button. This will mark all of the ticked entries as reconciled, and
they will no longer appear in this window. After clicking the
button, the window shown below appears.

may now print a report listing all of the entries which have been
reconciled, and the money account balances. It is important that you
print or export this file now, as it will no longer appear in this
form. Once you have done this, the reconciliation process is